Audition for Arthuriana Fest

February 12th & 15th | TPS Studio B

Join the Magpie Ensemble for our upcoming theatre festival, Arthuriana Fest!

We are seeking actors and musicians to perform in a set of plays in rep: Lerner and Loewe’s beloved Camelot, and a series of devised performance pieces exploring Queer interpretations of the Arthurian canon.

The cast will perform in both Camelot and the Arthurian pieces, which they will devise under director/playwright James T. Washburn and music director Kyle Morrow. Those cast in the ensemble tracks for Camelot will play leads in the devised pieces, and will have significant input on what legends are featured.


Camelot is the classic tale of the rise and fall of King Arthur’s round table. Through a frame of personal tragedy, this timeless story is one of deep love and epic loss, unwavering trust and unimaginable betrayal - all told through one of the most beautiful Golden Age scores by the legendary Lerner and Loewe. This “small cast edition” features an intimate and magical reworking of the original script by David Lee.

At first shatteringly relevant in the wake of the Kennedy assassination, Camelot is once again an immediate and familiar tale for generations who have watched the rise of dark powers in our own world after moments of great hope for change.

Open Roles:

Lancelot | male/masculine presenting | baritone | any race/ethnicity

Ensemble | all genders, ranges, races, etc.

Musicians | violin, viola, cello, French horn, flute, trumpet

The roles of Arthur, Guenevere, and Mordred have already been cast from Magpie’s Core Ensemble.

Devised Performance

The cast of Camelot will also develop their own new physical theatre pieces in conversation with the rest of the Arthurian canon. Taking inspiration from legends like The Fisher King and The Green Knight, the cast will explore this rich tradition and create Queer interpretations of the tales that speak to them. Roles will be determined when the ensemble chooses what legends to retell, with major roles going to those playing ensemble tracks in Camelot.

Magpie’s generative process includes extended dramaturgical discussions interspersed with Viewpoints-inspired physical improv sessions. Magpie’s resident director and playwright, James T. Washburn, will guide the process along with long-time Magpie collaborator Kyle Morrow, who will assist as we incorporate devised music and soundscapes into the show.

We welcome avid devisers, those who have only performed in traditional plays, and everyone in between. Magpie’s process is unique to us, and the only true requirement is to come with an open mind and a commitment to play and wherever it takes us.

  • Rehearsals will take place Saturdays and Sundays, 6pm-9pm, from March 1st to May 25th, at TPS (Seattle Center).

    Tech Week is May 26th-30th at Theatre Off Jackson.


    Saturday, May 31st
    2pm Camelot
    7pm Devised Work

    Sunday, June 1st
    2pm Devised Work
    7pm Camelot

    Please Note:
    Not all performers will be called for all rehearsals. Due to the nature of the process, leads in Camelot will be called more frequently during the first half of the process, while leads in the devised works will be called more frequently during the latter half.
    We expect that many performers may have performances for other productions during the rehearsal process, and may be able to accommodate various scheduling needs without disrupting the process. Please note any conflicts on your audition Signup form.

  • Actors and designers each receive a $300 honorarium for their work.

    Musicians may opt to work only on Camelot or on both Camelot and the devised pieces. Those who only accompany Camelot will receive $200; those working on both shows will receive $300.

    Payment is sent via check after closing.

  • Actors should prepare the following:

    • 1-2 minute dramatic monologue (text in verse encouraged)

    • 32 bars of a song from a Golden Age musical (a capella)

    If you’re unsure what materials to prepare, you can’t go wrong with a Shakespeare monologue + song from another Lerner & Loewe musical!

  • Actors interested in being considered for the role of Lancelot should prepare the following:

    • 1-2 minute dramatic monologue (text in verse encouraged)

    • This selection from “On the Street Where You Live” (to be sung with live accompaniment from our pianist)

    • Be familiar with these sides (to be read with the Core Ensemble member playing Guinevere)

  • Musicians should prepare the following:

    • 2 scales (1 major/1 minor)
      1 played legato at a slow tempo
      1 played staccato at a faster tempo

    • 2-3 minute solo/excerpt in a Western classical style (feel free to choose something from Camelot)

    You are free to audition with multiple instruments; please prepare materials for each and book only one audition time.

  • Magpie is committed to making the arts accessible on both sides of the stage, and we encourage artists who may not have traditional theatre training or consider themselves “actors” to audition regardless of background or experience. Performing alongside industry professionals is one of the best way to learn the craft, and it’s an opportunity we’re proud to provide to those who with potential who have experienced barriers to accessing more traditional arts education.

    If you have questions about the audition or rehearsal process, feel free to reach out to

    If you are auditioning for Lancelot and do not have experience working with an accompanist, you may opt to sing your audition song accapella.